Javascript Brain Teaser

Brain Teaser related to javascript scope

If code above is executed, what is the console output?

var text = 'outside';

function logIt(){
    var text = 'inside';


If your answer is 'outside' or 'inside' then your answer is wrong. The correct answer is 'undefined'.

Just to make sure, if your answer is the answer is ~Error~, then your answer is also wrong, because an error is not the same with 'undefined'

So how does this happen?

It is because javascript split the declaration and initialization of variables, then it raised the declaration to the top of current scope.

So this kind of code:
function logIt(){
    var text = 'inside';

If we split the the declaration and hoisted it, The code will be translated to:
function logIt(){
    var text;
    text = 'inside';
Now if you at the code, the console.log(text) will be executed right after the variable declaration. That is why you get 'undefined'


Pascal Triangle in scala without variable definition

2/24/2015 , , 0 Comments

Pascal Triangle is one of problem mention by HackerRank in Functional Programming Domain. The main problem is implementing this without any val and var in Scala.

Problem Statement
For a given integer K, print the first K rows of Pascal's Triangle. Print each row with values separated by spaces. The value at nthrow and rth column of the triangle is equal to n! / (r! * (n-r)!) where indexing start from 0. These values are the binomial coefficients.
The Pascal Triangle
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
Input Format
A Single Integer, K.
2 <= K <=10
And, you need to accomplish this without directly defining any local variables. For example,var and val have been blocked in Scala; def and defn are blocked in Clojure.
Output Format
The first K rows of the Pascal Triangle.
Sample Input
Sample Output
1 1  
1 2 1  
1 3 3 1   
Copyright (c) 2015 HackerRank.


My approach to this problem is by using the first two line of pascal triangle~List(1) and List(1,1)~ to generate next line of pascal triangle~List(1,2,1).~
Using List(1,1) and List(1,2,1) to generate List(1,3,3,1),
Using List(1,2,1) and List(1,3,3,1) to generate List(1,4,6,4,1), and so on.

I also use x to keep track of the input. Yeah, it needs exact number to know when to stop.

So, here is the basic function. f will first print all integer in l1 with space between each integer. If x is zero, then the recursive will stop. If x is not zero, decrease the value of zero, change the position of l1 with l2, then we generate next item.

def f(x:Int, l1:List[Int], l2:List[Int]):List[Int]={
    println(l1 mkString " ")
    if(x==0) l1
    else f(x-1, l2, List(1):::next(l2, List()):::List(1))

To generate the next List from the previous List, we can use normal addition between first element(arr.head) and second element(arr.tail.head). The process will repeat itself until size of array reaches 1. Then the result will be appended with 1 in front of function next() and 1 in the rear.
def next(arr:List[Int], result:List[Int]):List[Int]={
    if(arr.size<=1) result
    else next(arr.tail, result:::List(arr.head+arr.tail.head))

To sum up, this is the full code

object Solution {
    def next(arr:List[Int], result:List[Int]):List[Int]={
        if(arr.size<=1) result
        else next(arr.tail, result:::List(arr.head+arr.tail.head))
    def f(x:Int, l1:List[Int], l2:List[Int]):List[Int]={
        println(l1 mkString " ")
        if(x==0) l1
        else f(x-1, l2, List(1):::next(l2, List()):::List(1))
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        f(readInt()-1, List(1), List(1,1))